On June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States announced the overturning of Roe v. Wade, whereby the federal government had legalized abortion. A great step in the right direction, but the new decision didn’t end abortion. Instead, each state will now make its own laws. Abortion continues, with some states promoting themselves as “abortion tourism destinations”. Women are rushing to have abortions and bragging of “heroic” measures they took to acquire their procedure.
The abortion debate is back in the open. How are we going to confront it and educate ourselves and our families so we can stand firm? Your pro-life view will be challenged, maybe violently, and often with emotional stories that could sway you. Or, you may have a chance to sway someone from the other side, possibly someone contemplating taking her baby’s life.
This whole mess started with Norma McCorvey, better known as Jane Roe in the Roe v. Wade case. Read her book, Won by Love, to see how the former abortion clinic worker and “the ‘champion’ of the pro-choice movement was soon being crushed by the weight of so much pain, so much death, and so many ill-considered ‘choices'”. Her conversion is a powerful argument against abortion and a real encouragement that hearts can be turned by truth.
A similar transformation occurred with former Planned Parenthood leader Abby Johnson. Read unPlanned to learn why Abby joined the opposition, Coalition for Life, after her first time actually assisting during an abortion. This book will help “anyone who cares about the life-versus-rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies.”
Do you just need facts on abortion so you can speak with knowledge? Short and simple, 10 Truths About Abortion promises to give “insightful, factual, and compelling information” on the beginning of life, what an aborted baby experiences, and what women face after this procedure. You’ll also learn about God’s position and how He can forgive and heal.
For more help to speak intelligently, explore Abortion: A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue, by R. C. Sproul. Society’s rules cannot be made based upon human emotions, but rather on God’s laws and facts. You’ll get both in this book, and “you will take a stand–and be able to articulate that view in a winsome way to others”.
Whether we know it or not, we are all encountering people who have been touched by abortion. They are the general public, people in our churches, friends, and relatives. If you’re like me, you have no idea how to reach out to these people. A Solitary Sorrow: Finding Healing & Wholeness after Abortion could help. One psychiatrist said this book is “the best, most thorough,and most compassionate” one he has ever read on the issue of helping women, and men, after abortion. Wouldn’t we all do well to equip ourselves to offer physical, emotional, and spiritual help to these deeply wounded people?
Finally, are you struggling with teaching your young kids on this topic? PRO-LIFE KIDS helps children understand the value God places on life. One review says “Every child should have this book read to them–at home, at school, at church. It would change our culture.”
This is a heavy issue, and it’s not going away soon. Get the truth, give the truth, and guard the truth. And, please carefully consider the candidates in upcoming elections and make sure you get out and vote for them. With abortion now a “states issue”, we must elect pro-life representatives to protect innocent lives and keep our states from allowing this sin to continue.
Reading is Rewarding!
Request the following titles from the Family Vision Library here:
Won by Love, by Norma McCorvey
unPlanned, by Abby Johnson
10 Truths About Abortion, by Coral Ridge Ministries
A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue, by R. C. Sproul
A Solitary Sorrow: Finding Healing & Wholeness after Abortion, by Teri Reisser
PRO-LIFE KIDS, by Bethany Bomberger
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