What can save you from the cold, but kill you with heat? What can creep silently and slowly, or race and roar? What can perfectly cook food, or blacken it beyond recognition? What has the power to mesmerize even the busiest among us in this noisy, fast-paced world?
If you answered “Fire”, you’re right! Fire has been sustained and fascinated humans since our beginning. Ironically, it will forever torment humans who die without Christ.
Uncontrolled fire is scary and destructive. When it lights in a forest, it can quickly get out of control, killing everything in its path. One of my favorite childhood stories, one your little ones may enjoy, is Blaze and the Forest Fire. Join Billy and his horse, Blaze, as they race to stop a growing fire and warn others of danger. Or, read Danny Orlis and the Strange Forest Fires, as he discovers the mystery behind a series of fires, rescues a man from one, tells him about Jesus, and learns valuable lessons about believing rumors.
Volcanoes start fires with their hot lava. In Mountain of Fire, the real-life eruption of Mount St. Helens provides the background for daring rescues. Your kids will have their belief in “the scientific plausibility of Biblical Creation” reinforced while enjoying this book. Or, they can travel to Hawaii’s Big Island in The Legend of Fire. A volcano erupts, a kidnapping occurs, and time runs short to get to safety. Science and some fun Hawaiian vocabulary rounds out this story.
What is it like to recover from severe burns? In Refined By Fire, walk along with Brian Birdwell. Burned on over 60 percent of his body in the 9-11 Pentagon attack, he and his family didn’t give up in his long, horribly painful recovery. Be encouraged that “God doesn’t waste our pain and that our greatest tragedy can also make us stronger.”
Fire is often associated to spiritual things. In Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, see what happens in a broken-down church when people start to pray. One reviewer promises that this book “will change you forever”. God can light a fire in souls. Read about any of the great Christian martyrs who had such confidence in their God’s reality that they were honored to die by fire for their faith!
Finally, create great food with fire and the help of Weber’s Charcoal Grilling: The Art of Cooking with Live Fire. You can almost smell the smoke as you flip through these pages. Learn how to control your cooking fire, apply rubs, marinate, cook, and finish your flame-grilled food. This book includes sides and desserts for complete cook-out menus.
I hope I’ve lit a fire in you to read about some aspects of fire. These books are just the tip of the flame. Our lending library has much more. And visit the consignment shop for fire and volcano books in our science and creation areas. Find additional fire-related books for cooking, camping, and pure reading pleasure.
Reading is Rewarding!
Request the following titles from the Family Vision Library here:
Blaze and the Forest Fire, by C. W. Anderson
Danny Orlis and the Strange Forest Fires, by Bernard Palmer
Mountain of Fire, by Paul Thomsen
The Legend of Fire, by Lee Roddy
Refined By Fire, by Brian & Mel Birdwell
Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, by Jim Cymbala
Weber’s Charcoal Grilling: The Art of Cooking with Live Fire, by Jamie Purviance
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