This month’s calendar page often gets a big red heart drawn on the halfway date, February 14. While Valentines’ Day is a great excuse for couples’ date nights, I prefer expanding beyond romantic love to love in general. That means everyone can get involved! Kids can make cards for parents and grandparents, parents can surprise their kids with special treats, and friends can let each other know how much their support means. We can all find someone who needs love and think of unique ways to show our love. And we probably all hope someone will show us a little love, too!
As you and your family get your Valentine’s Day off to a great start, I recommend a great, short read from the best book ever written. The “Love Passage”, I Corinthians 13, describes what real love is and does. Can we find a better teacher on love than God Himself, Who is love, made love, and showed the greatest love when He sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem us from eternal death in hell? This is a challenging passage when you consider it. True love takes work far greater than a card or box of chocolates, though those are great starts! And it asks for nothing in return!
Another good read, but a little longer, is Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages. Choose the original book, or one of the subsequent versions for children, singles, etc. These books help you understand how you and those around you give and receive love. If you have tried to express your love to someone, only for them to say they feel unloved by you, these books may be for you! Have fun figuring out what “love language” you and those you love “speak”. Then find ways to “speak” your love in the language they understand.
Have a great Valentine’s Day!
Reading is Rewarding!
Request the Five Love Languages books from the Family Vision Library here:
The Five Love Languages : The Secret to Love That Lasts
The Five Love Languages of Children
The Five Love Languages of Teenagers
More titles from the Love Languages series
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