What’s in a name? Quite a bit, really. We’d be lost without names. They allow us to identify people, pets, places, and things. Names are important to God, too. He has multiple names by which He reveals His attributes to us. He named Adam, as well as the rest of creation. He tasked Adam with naming the animals. God doesn’t just randomly assign names either. He chooses specific names for specific reasons.
Maybe you feel overwhelmed with all the names in the Bible. Do they even matter? Check out the Dictionary of Bible Proper Names. This book could help you gain insight as you read your Bible reading. You might learn some useful facts for Bible trivia, too.
As mentioned, God has many names for Himself. Read Praying the Names of God. This book goes through 26 (there are more) of His names. Understand God better through the knowledge of His names.
Some day, every knee will bow at the name of Jesus. Enjoy a little mystery as you read Yeshua: The Name of Jesus Revealed in Code in the Old Testament. Author Yacov Rambsel seeks to show “how God overlaid His Word with the good news of His Son-thousands of years before the Savior of Mankind was born in a stable of Bethlehem”. For some fun with names, browse The Everything Baby Names Book. Even if you are not welcoming a new baby or getting a new pet soon, your family will enjoy this book. Find your own names, find those of your relatives and friends, and discover some new names, too. Do your names “fit”? Are you “living up” to your name?
Do you only trust brand names? Get cooking with Great American Brand Name Cookbook. This huge book will give you plenty of ideas for cooking with the products you love. Have fun family meals guessing which products you are eating.Play some name games, too. Who knows the correct meaning of the most names? Can anyone name all the presidents? Race to spot or think of a name for every letter in the alphabet while on a road trip. Visit a town with a famous or unusual name and find out how it got its name. Have fun learning geography while you memorize states and their capitals. Expand to continents and foreign countries.
Our consignment area is bulging with books. Choose the “name” of someone famous and read a biography. Search our geography/map section to learn the “names” of places all around the world. Scan the shelves and the “name” of some book is sure to catch your eye.
I hope you enjoy some fun with names. And remember, as Christians, we represent the name of Jesus to the world. May we never shame that name!
Reading is Rewarding!
Request the following titles from the Family Vision Library here:
Dictionary of Bible Proper Names, by Cyrus A. Potts
Praying the Names of God, by Ann
Yeshua: The Name of Jesus Revealed in Code in the Old Testament, by Yacov Rambsel
The Everything Baby Names Book, by Lisa Rogak
Great American Brand Name Cookbook
Not a member of the library? Subscribe online to have books shipped directly to you!
Want to become a local patron? Visit the library to sign-up for free!
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