Today’s “woke” society likes to shame people in order to manipulate their behavior. “Traditional” men and boys are at the top of their target list. Masculinity must be suppressed or men are called sexists or bigots. We now have young men afraid to become real men, choosing instead to stay in pajamas and flip-flops playing video games and watching YouTube videos all day. Boys are no longer prepared to take on the real world by using their God-given strengths to carve their own space and support their own families.
Yes, many men have misused their positions and taken advantage of others, but shaming and degrading all men and boys only weakens our society. We rather need to help men develop and exercise their strengths under God’s control and ethical restraints. It’s O.K. for boys to play with trucks and dirt and for men to open doors.
Stu Weber’s book, Along the Road to Manhood, is an interesting collection of quotations on different aspects of life, put together for men. He was inspired by the words of Hugh Latimer, a martyr being led to be burned, who told his companion to “Play the man”. Weber hopes to inspire men to “Be all God intended you to be. Stay strong. Stay pure. Stay faithful. Play the man.” His ultimate inspiration is the ultimate Man, Jesus Christ.
Manly Dominion is a book to combat “wimpy” men and help them face life’s challenges head-on. The author wants men to become leaders at work, to physically raise and spiritually guide their children and families, and to be present, confident leaders in their churches. No more passive men getting knocked around like pool balls! Mark Chanski gets his challenge from God’s initial command to man to subdue and rule over the earth.
Can men be men without being bigots? Gordon Dalbey explores this in Healing the Masculine Soul: How God Restores Men to Real Manhood. Men today are often weak and passive, having given up much of their responsibilities to strong women. Women dominate and outnumber men in many professions, institutions, and churches. Sadly, men consistently outnumber women in prison. Society will not succeed with this pattern. Find out how men can be restored to and influential and rightful standing.
What does manhood even look like or entail? Few males really have any good role models anymore, with many not even having an involved biological father. Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood may provide help. Author Dennis Rainey identifies five stages each man experiences from boyhood to old age and lays out the responsibilities during each. Manhood “calls all men to action, to duty, to courage”.
Finally, true manhood, contrary to what society says, requires purity and morality in thought and action. Is that even possible? The authors of Every Man’s Battle desire to help all men become men of honor and decency who focus their eyes and minds on Christ. One reviewer said, “There is no more common enemy of true manhood than the diversion or the perversion of our sexual capacities.” Fortify yourself to resist the temptations that will destroy your ability to be a truly strong man.
While these books specifically address manhood, all contain good, interesting information and inspiration. Ladies, if you can’t get your men to read them, perhaps you can “read up” and give them the condensed version. Encourage the men in your life to let themselves be men. Allow them to be rough little boys, adventurous young guys, hard workers, good providers, strong leaders, and loving spouses and fathers.
Check out the lending library and consignment shop for lots more on manhood. We have fictional stories guys enjoy, books on war and weaponry, biographies of great men, and books on “manly pursuits” like sports and woodworking.
Reading is Rewarding!
Request the following titles from the Family Vision Library here:
Along the Road to Manhood, by Stu Weber
Manly Dominion, by Mark Chanski
Healing the Masculine Soul: How God Restores Men to Real Manhood, by Gordon Dalbey
Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood, by Dennis Rainey
Every Man’s Battle, by Stephen Arterburn
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