We recently had local elections. School board races were a top reason many voters went to the polls. Parents are deeply troubled by what public education has become. A huge number of them are taking their kids out of public schools and homeschooling. Perhaps you are considering the option, but don’t know if you can handle that task. Or, maybe you already homeschool, but feel inadequate or burned out. Well, the Family Vision Library is here to help. Do a library search on “homeschooling“, and you will be overwhelmed with resources you may borrow from us. For long-term use, we have a whole consignment store where you can find many of the books you need and resell materials your kids have outgrown and mastered.
Today, I was on the lookout for books to help newbies get started. Because much of homeschooling falls on moms, I noticed Daylight: Managing Your Days Through the Homeschool Years by Heidi St. John. This mother of 7 gives advice, ideas, and encouragement to other moms who had more than enough to do before they took on teaching, too. Perhaps you just need a pep talk before you take the plunge. I also noticed Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom, by Todd Wilson. This dad helps other men understand the sacrifices they will need to make while supporting their wives’ daily sacrifices and challenges. Does your wife grade notes you write to her or only talk to you if you raise your hand? Welcome to the world of homeschooling! This is a humorous read that I think men and women will enjoy.
Perhaps you don’t know where to begin on curriculum or your approach to teaching. Maybe you don’t even know if you understand the whole homeschooling concept. Please check out Answers for Homeschooling, by Israel Wayne. This book answers the top 25 questions that critics ask. It just may hit on the issue that has you undecided. Then, once you make the decision to go for it, browse The Complete Home Learning Source Book, by Rebecca Rupp. This resource guide claims to cover every subject “from Arithmetic to Zoology”. And one last book, 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum, by Cathy Duffy, helps you figure out what books and teaching styles match your kids’ learning styles and needs. As I said before, this barely scratches the surface of what we have available. We also have books to help parents homeschool in our consignment shop.
Finally, I would like to suggest something fun for the whole family. Go to schoolhouserocked.com. This site was developed by the Hamptons, a couple who said they would never homeschool, only to find themselves doing it and loving it. His experience in film work enabled them to document their journey over several years! Their homeschooling footage is interwoven with interviews of various people as they travel the country. Have all your questions asked and answered while you are entertained. This movie is for potential, current, and past homechoolers, both children and adults. The movie sounds like a fun night for the whole family as you all consider a new approach to learning. On the site you’ll also find links to a free homeschooling starter kit, a newsletter, podcasts, homeschooling associations, and state laws.
I hope you take a little time to read up on homeschooling. I saw so much that looks interesting, and I don’t even have kids! Teaching your children is a big responsibility and a major decision to make. Please let us help you prepare for success.
Reading is Rewarding!
Request the following titles from the Family Vision Library here:
Daylight: Managing Your Days Through the Homeschool Years by Heidi St. John
Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom, by Todd Wilson
Answers for Homeschooling, by Israel Wayne
The Complete Home Learning Source Book, by Rebecca Rupp
100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum, by Cathy Duffy
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